I finally decided to start my own blog/website. This is something I’ve had on my mind for quite a long time… but it never really felt like it was the right moment. Well, at least until now, that is.
I am an IT systems engineer, more specifically a pre-sales engineer. More info can be found in the About Me page. I currently work for Veeam Software.
While not entirely new to blogging and WordPress sites, this blog site will be pretty much a “work in progress” for some time, so expect to find some changes especially in the first few weeks/months!
In this blog I’ll mostly share with you my findings, experiences and opinions regarding Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Enterprise IT in general. But expect to find some more generic and/or personal stuff as well.
So, welcome to my little corner on the Internet. Let’s hope you enjoy the ride and we both have some fun, while we’re at it! 🙂